Sunday, October 7, 2007

Welcome Group 2 Eagles!

Welcome to Group 2 special training series.

Before we start the series it is important for us to understand what training does, why is it necessary, what it can do and what it cannot do etc.

Here it is ....

I do not collect any jewelry or other expensive material things. But my books, audio tapes and many many articles on every subject in my training folder are my most valuable possession and I owe who I am today to the information and training provided by them.

I guess this was my mothers doing. She used to say to her SIX daughters “we are not rich, I don’t know if we can give you jewelry, fancy sarees or expensive wedding ceremony. But we will do whatever we can to make sure all of you get good education so that you can take care of yourselves”. In effect she told us that she would prefer to teach us how to fish rather than feed us fish. She did manage that – all six of us are well educated (all-be-it on scholarships and freeships!) and quite self sufficient.

It is this up-bringing that has prompted me to devote my retired life to share the knowledge and experience and train anyone young or old, who are willing to take charge and take control of their life.

By now you must have got the hint that I place a very high value and give a lot of importance to training. Let us examine why this training is required and what types of training one needs and can get benefit from.

Training is defined as activity leading to skilled behavior and involves an organized attempt to assist learning through instruction, observation, or practice - The systematic process of developing knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to perform current or future jobs or business operations effectively.

Why training is required?

I can think of few good reasons.

If the world around us were stable and un-changing we may not have to worry much about training. Just look around you. What you are likely to see is significant changes that have occurred over the years. You may have lived through down-sizing, re-structuring, changed mandates, increased workloads, flattening of management structure, and a host of other changes. Not to mention the influence of technology on your working and social environment. It is not likely that these changes will cease in the future.

The formal education in schools and colleges hardly prepares us to survive in today’s fast changing society.

You may have been well qualified when you took up a job or business but the constant changes necessitate learning of new skills and abilities so that new expectations can be met.

As it applies to the industry that I am involved in – Direct sales using one-to-one marketing has undergone a major re-hauling over the last few years. It is no longer “you sponsor two and they sponsor two each and before you know you are rich”. Skills required to succeed in this industry is much more than that and is usually not taught in any academic institutions. So organisations world wide embracing this mode of marketing have relied heavily on the extra training provided by top performers in the organisation.

We at Clearock decided that training for our DSAs (Direct Sales Advisors) is one of the most important and wise investment we could make. So much so that we insist that they undergo offline or online training before they are considered full-fledged business owners. We offer free training for all those DSAs who qualify. What is more, we take care of their accommodation and food during these two day or three day training sessions. Another innovative feature of Clearock training is crediting an income value in the account of the DSA who is helped by their upline mentors to qualify and attend these training sessions. A true win-win proposition for all concerned – the DSA, downline, upline, crossline, company and most of all our customers.

Why customers? Clearock introduces innovative life-enhancing products to consumers through the DSA. Giving them proper information and making them aware of how to present these products to the consumers so that our customers get accurate information on the products is very important in acquiring and retaining customers.

On top of that a satisfied customer is also offered an option to become Clearock brand messenger and earn an income whenever the person they refer purchases the products. Again presenting various options available, their benefits and income potential etc. accurately and in a simple way is most important to the DSA as well as Clearock.

Clearock’s business venture is more of establishing relationships, creating awareness, interest, desire in anew prospect or customer and assisting them in acquiring the product and ensuring that they are satisfied with the product enough to become a repeat customer. Each of this activity needs special skill and we train our DSAs in these and many more areas.

We firmly believe that “Titles and income are important but training will make a difference in your life in a way that money and title cannot because training can fundamentally change how you think, operate your business venture and what you have to offer to your customers”

However, there are things a training can do and can’t do. We need to be aware of the same.

What training can do

Training CAN accomplish many things. It can help people learn the new skills that are required to meet new expectations, both formal and informal. Training can help people accept the challenge of their evolving roles in the job/business or society.

Training can also help to:
. build a common understanding of the organization's purpose.
. show company's commitment and loyalty to the DSAs
. develop people so they can increase their responsibilities, become effective and contribute to the organization in new ways.

What Training Cannot Do

There are many things that training can't do. Training, on its own, cannot change ineffective people into effective ones. It is unlikely to address ALL the causes of poor performance. Limited training also will not turn a poor performer into an effective one, unless it is coupled with ongoing coaching from mentors.
Training will not erase problems that occur as a result of poor attitude, mismatching of ones needs and resources.

Training As A Tool

The best way of thinking about training is to think of it as a tool, much like a carpenter's tool. Just like a carpenter picks the hammer and not a screwdriver to pound a nail, one should be choosing training because it is the RIGHT tool for the task.

Also, to continue the analogy, if the supporting structure (the wood) is rotted, only the foolish carpenter would attempt to pound the nail into the wood, and expect it to help. It is the same here. If we expect things to improve as a result of training, we need to ensure that the support systems are there for the use of the tool, and that there are no other non-training related problems hanging about.
In conclusion, training will help but will not replace the drive, commitment and desire to change and be somebody – a successful entrepreneur in charge of your life and your destiny.

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